Walk of fame (Road to success)

“Music does not lie. If anything can be changed in the world, it can only happen through music.” (Jimi Hendrix)
We do not want to change the world, but we want to change the perception of others about who we are about what we feel, to let them know the world we come from and knowing it to understand and accept each other.
In the second half of July 2021, the activity “Nature’s Music” took place. This activity was attended by 50 young people aged 13-16, from different ethnic groups, who together made unconventional musical instruments, which will be part of an exhibition during the week of the Multicultural Street Festival. They have mastered specific work techniques, acquired effective communication skills, understood that there are differences between people, but that their acceptance colors and gives meaningful to the world in which we live. Last but not least, they remembered the notions of ecological education and understood the need to protect nature for #future. The activity “Nature s music” was part of the project“ The road to success”.
The “Road to Success” project is funded under Call 4 Human Rights Awareness and Equal Treatment through Active Citizens Fund – Romania, an integral part of the EEA and Norwegian Grants Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, is run by the Association Orion – Choose to be a Star in partnership with the Romers Rettigheter Association and benefits from a funding of 35,180 euros through the Active Citizens Fund – Romania program, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the 2014-2021 EEA Grants.

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